Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Weekly Update - Vampire apocalypse 4, Crimson Seas, Writers Centre one day Horror Writing course, Octocon and more...

Okay, a new week and a new resolution. This blog has been very under used in the past. I am sorry for this but I have let myself get side-tracked way too easily and the blog has lost out. For those of you who come here to see if there is an update - I apologise and, to those who didn’t, well you didn’t miss anything. However, I have been sufficiently chastised by my web designer, editor and number one fan, (that’s my wife to anyone who doesn’t know), and I will be posting a blog every Monday from now on – I know this is Tuesday but this is the first one and it doesn’t count. Busy, busy, busy.

I have added another few thousand words to Vampire Apocalypse 4 this week so that is progressing well. Completion is a long way off yet but once started it tends to flow more quickly. I was wrestling with whether the beginning was too drastic for some time now but I have decided to write it and see where it leads. If it doesn’t work I can always re-write. I hate playing it safe though so I am going all out and it should shock a few readers. If I don’t use it in the final draft there’s always the Director’s Cut.

 I’ve started a new book as well for the International Thriller Writers. I review a book every month and it gives me a chance to try new authors that I would not normally have picked up. This month’s book is an historical crime novel by Judith Rock – A Plague of Lies. I’ll let you know how I get on.

 I’ve also been asked to give a writing workshop for the Irish Writers Centre, http://www.writerscentre.ie/html/courses/weekendindex.html, It’s a really big honour for me as I have never done anything like it before. It’s down for October just in time for Halloween and concentrates on horror and supernatural writing. Looks like it’ll be fun. October will also see Octocon, http://www.octocon.com/ where Liz Williams will be joining us as Guest speaker. I am on loads of panels this year and chairing most of them so lots of preparation work for that as well.

The books are selling well this week, so thank you to all who have bought them. The first novel in the HMS Swift series, Crimson Seas, was released last month and I am really pleased that so many of you have bought it. I love this series and had a brief outline for another book but had filed it away as I wasn’t sure it would ever get released. Looks like I will have to write it after all if sales keep going well. If you haven’t tried the HMS Swift series then have a look at the page dedicated to it, http://www.derekgunn.com/hmsswift.html Well, that’s all for today. See you next week, I promise.


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