Saturday, August 8, 2009

What's new for August at - plus new giveaway!

I'm currently working away editing the next VAMPIRE APOCALYPSE book. It's called FALLOUT and is due out from Black Death Books in October. I'll be launching it in the UK at GamesFest 4 and in Ireland at Octocon - both cons are on in October. More on that next month...Editing is tedious but necessary work but I must admit I'm looking forward to returning to the new book I'm writing.

New at for August are:

Instead of a contest, I've put up a new giveaway, as you can see from the picture above. Of course, if you've already put up a review of one of my books, I'll be happy to send you the short story - just drop me an email.

A few more terrific reviews for my latest release, THE ESTUARY, can be found HERE

An interview I did with fellow Permuted author, James Meltzer, on his new UNLEASHED Podcast, can be found HERE


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